
  Tag Archives for copy editor

Sign on the Dotted Line: The Editing Contract

Signing a contract can be intimidating. What am I getting into here? What might be lurking in the fine print? When it comes to the author–editor relationship, contracts can reassure authors that they’ve chosen the right editor that the editor will provide the services they want that the pay and delivery schedule will meet their […]

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Getting to the Why of Editing

In his wildly popular TED Talk video How Great Leaders Inspire Action, author Simon Sinek maintains that most businesses know what they do, and that some businesses even understand how they do it, but that few businesses truly understand why they do it. Why does your organization exist? he asks. Why do you get out of […]

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5 Reasons Authors Need Style Sheets

Any good copy editor will provide a style sheet when returning an edited manuscript to an author. But, you might ask, just what the heck is a style sheet and does an author really need one?

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I’ve never applied eye black before tackling a manuscript. My reading glasses, I’ll readily admit, don’t even come close to saying badass the way that eye black does. Still, with the kickoff of the NFL season scant hours away, it occurs to me that there’s a position on the gridiron not all too dissimilar to […]

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