For any piece of written material, words, like the stone blocks used in castle walls, should be carefully chosen for strength and appearance.
In the same way that words are strategically situated within sentences, paragraphs, and complete works, the blocks in a castle wall work together to create magnificent structures that hold up to the closest inspection.
The walls of a castle exhibit strength, project beauty, provide security, and enable fellowship. At Castle Walls Editing, James Gallagher hopes to embody these qualities:
Your written works should be built on a strong foundation and should serve the purpose for which they were intended. They should have the desired effect on their intended audience, and editing facilitates this.
By cleaning up prose and eliminating errors, editing allows the aesthetic pleasures of any work to shine through.
When you put a written work out into the world, you should feel the security that a good edit provides and know that your work is in its strongest possible state.
Castle Walls Editing enables fellowship through a mutually beneficial author-editor relationship. This relationship results in improved work and also facilitates fellowship between author and audience, whoever that audience may be.